Saturday, September 17, 2011

God the Creator

Having spent the entire past two days working on the design of my first blogsite, the thought occurred to me that God created everything, out of nothing!  In just 6 days.

The heavens and the earth.  The sun, moon, and stars.  All of the oceans, seas, lakes, and streams.  All of the mountains, valleys, and deserts.  All trees, flowers, and creatures great and small.  Mankind.

God didn't have to keep moving things around to see if they fit or not.  Testing, testing, testing.  He had a plan.  He knew exactly what He wanted, and He just did it.  Perfectly.  From the very beginning.  Every little detail.  He didn't forget a single thing.  The greatest artist of all, "God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1)

And then...He rested.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Very cool post. We stress and stress and work and work some more but God has it all in control. We need to remember to go to Him first. Tracey I loved your post. To God be the glory!